Monica Belgeri

Sales and Marketing Manager

A 1990 graduate in philosophy with a specialisation in social communications, she has been working in the world of communications and advertising for 25 years. She worked for the most prestigious advertising agencies (Publikompass and Il Sole24Ore System) and for important publishers (La Stampa, Il Sole24Ore, Sky, Libero) as marketing manager for various product lines, periodicals, newspapers, and finally online. Since September 2014 she has been Advertising Manager for Il Fatto Quotidiano. She was also a member of the IAB board (Internet Advertising Bureau), she is currently a member of the Audiweb Technical Committee and SEIF representative in Fedoweb (Federazione Editori Web). For eight years she has been teaching at the master’s programme in Communications, digital marketing and interactive advertising organised by Iab Italia in partnership with the Catholic University of Milan.